RASC Breakfast

Canadian Honker Restaurant 1203 2nd St SW, Rochester

RASC Breakfast

Osman Clowns Meeting

VFW Post 6690, Mendota

Social hour at 6:00 pm Meeting at 7:00 pm Clowns meet at the VFW Post 6690 in Mendota in the months of January, February, March, October, November and December. Clowns meet at the Osman Warehouse in April, May, June, July, August and September for a cookout.

Daddy-O’s Meeting

Fat Willy's 4325 Maine Ave SE, Rochester

7:00 pm Meeting Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82926000770?pwd=OHltZWdxaWxrOHM1MTJTRG5pWmowdz09 Meeting ID: 829 2600 0770 Passcode: daddyo

RASC Breakfast

Canadian Honker Restaurant 1203 2nd St SW, Rochester

RASC Breakfast

Osman Provost Meeting

The Lost Spur Golf & Event Center 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, United States

Social/Dinner 6 pm Meeting 7 pm