Temple Parade River Falls, Wi

River Falls, Wi Parade: Saturday October 5th. Line up is at 9:00Am Step off is at 10:00AM Oasis: Will be before the parade at American Legion at 8:00AM

RASC Breakfast

Canadian Honker Restaurant 1203 2nd St SW, Rochester

RASC Breakfast

Osman Clowns Meeting

VFW Post 6690, Mendota

Social hour at 6:00 pm Meeting at 7:00 pm Clowns meet at the VFW Post 6690 in Mendota in the months of January, February, March, October, November and December. Clowns […]

Daddy-O’s Meeting

Fat Willy's 4325 Maine Ave SE, Rochester

7:00 pm Meeting Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82926000770?pwd=OHltZWdxaWxrOHM1MTJTRG5pWmowdz09 Meeting ID: 829 2600 0770 Passcode: daddyo

Potentate’s Pheasant Hunt

Orlando Game Farm 25441 Orlando Ave, Cannon Falls, MN, United States

Orlando Game Farm $80 per person includes tip 3 Birds Lot's of fun.